So… despite deciding to finish of Lockdown Lead Guitar with episode 50, due to be uploaded on Monday, I decided to have a little fun with Pro Tools, amp simulation plugins and the new John Mayer single.
Having seen the song performed live on the Jimmy Kimmel Live, and the internet experts dissecting what gear was used I decided to have a crack at doing it digitally. It appears Mayer used 3 amps, but to keep m life simple I went for 2. On the left I’ve used a Klon emulation and amp sim from Nembrini Audio, on the right I’m using a stock Pro Tools pluguin with an 808 emulation, also from Nembrini.
I’m not entirely sure how successful the experiment was – I know I don’t sound like Mayer – but the guitar did sound bigger and filled out more, so much so that I had to reduce it’s volume in the final mix.